Lesson 1: All wellies look alike (especially when piled in a muddy heap at the doorway of the bus)
Lesson 2: Even if the sun comes out for twelve minutes, DO NOT SAY "Oh, I think the worst of the rain might be over now"
Lesson 3a: The bus you parked on green grass under a sunny sky...
Lesson 3b: ...will not stay that way for long
Lesson 4: Large banners at the Other Stage are a good meeting point (weirdly, for enthusiastic men with a predilection for orange)
Lesson 5: Seeing our Lift the Lid logo on the big screens is pretty cool
Lesson 6: Having the bus in prime position by the Other Stage means you can offer a great raffle prize - Chemical Brothers seen from the top deck beats standing in the mud and rain any night of the week
Lesson 7: Men in suits (and shark fins) will attract attention at Glastonbury when men in fairy costumes, women in bridesmaid's dresses and people dressed as Borat will not attract a second glance...
Lesson 8: ...but as suave as your loan sharks start out, they end up just a LITTLE worse for wear.
Click on the image below for an enlarged version of our appearance in the Glastonbury Daily:
To read more about Jubilee's current action, Lift the Lid on Bad Loans: click here.
Jubilee Debt Campaign would like to thank their sponsor at Glastonbury: Triodos Bank.